Sister Act (Digital HD)

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Media: Digital HD*

It’s not everyday you become one with the divine. As we tell this story, it is impossible to ignore how powerful we are. On a floating rock in the middle of nowhere, in a nation that hardly practices what it preaches, surrounded by the wild west of Denver, Colorado, at a highschool that only makes the news when something goes wrong, we “created something out of pure nothing,” (as our incredible director so often reminds us). When an aspiring musician finds herself lost amongst the noise and stuff of Philadelphia, she saves herself by creating a reason to stay. Making something out of nothing. Where a group of disparate adolescents see a pile of wood and a script called Sister Act, they sing a song of how a drunken city and a dying church find salvation in their collusion. Making something out of nothing. It is nothing short of holy. It is simply too divine.

-Tess Tippetts with a forward by Matt Murphy

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*Digital HD copies include 2 download attempts to a computer within 72 hours from time of purchase. Video copies are for household viewing only. The purchaser agrees not to share the video in part or in whole.